Nicholas County Assessor

Betty Griffin, Assessor

The Assessor for Nicholas County is Betty Griffin. The office is located in the basement of the Courthouse. The function of the Assessor is to determine the assessed value of real and personal property in the county for the purpose of determining the ad valorem taxes the property owner must pay. It is the responsibility of each county resident to report to the assessor's office information regarding real and personal property owned.

The Assessor is serving a four-year term that will expire in 2028.

The Assessor's office is also responsible for maintaining district tax maps which indicate approximate boundaries of all real property within the county.

Phone Number: (304) 872-7800 Please call the Assessor's office if you have any questions regarding assessments of real or personal property.

Important Dates to Remember

Deadline for Homestead Exemption Request: December 1
Deadline for Payment of Taxes: April 1
Beginning of Assessment Year: July 1
Deadline for Filing Farm Report: September 1 paragraph here.