Nicholas County Commission

Debbie Facemire, Circuit Clerk

Nicholas County Circuit Clerk

Circuit Clerks are elected for a period of six years and their duties and responsibilities are set by statute. The Clerk is authorized to appoint deputy clerks who take the same Oath of Office as the Clerk.

The Circuit Clerk plays an important role in three aspects of our Judicial System. The Clerk is the Registrar, Recorder, and Custodian of all pleadings, documents and funds pertaining to cases filed in the Circuit Court.

Under the direction of the Court, the Clerk creates and manages the Petit and Grand Jury Systems; randomly selects panels for attendance; qualifies and summons, monitors attendance and mileage for reimbursement for all jurors. Terms of Court are in January, May and September of each year.

The office keeps the records of all Civil Cases, Felonies, Misdemeanors, Mental Hygiene, Juvenile, Divorces, Annulment, Separate Maintenance, Paternity, Grandparent Visitation and Domestic Violence. We receive appeals from Magistrate Court, Municipal Court and Administrative Agencies, excluding Workers' Compensation Appeals.

The Clerk is also the Fee Officer. The Clerk is Authorized by Statute to collect various costs associated with cases and hold and disburse other types of payments such as bonds and restitution.

Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m., located on the 1st floor of the courthouse.

Nicholas County Circuit Clerk
700 Main Street, Suite 5
Summersville, WV 26651

Office Number: (304) 872-7810
Fax: 304.872.7863
e-mail: [email protected]