The Nicholas County Commission

Holds public meetings on the first and third Wednesday of each month starting at 9:00 a.m.

The following individuals are currently serving six-year terms as Commissioners:

  • Garrett Cole - Representing Gauley District Term expires 2031
  • D. Craig Chapman - Representing Birch District Term expires 2026
  • Gary E. Roberts Jr. - Representing Cherry District Term expires 2028
  • Patty Neff - Administrative Assistant
  • Mary O'Dell - Office Assistant

County Commissioners serve as the chief fiscal body for the county. They act as a quasi-judicial body, and make determination on property tax appeals. They are involved with the conducting of elections and economic development. West Virginia law gives County Commissioners jurisdiction over probate of wills, appointments of personal representatives, guardians, and fiduciary commissioners.

County Commissioners appoint members to various boards and commissions at the local level as authorized by the legislature. Some of those boards include:

  • Public Service Districts
  • Board of Parks and Recreation
  • Historic Landmark Commission
  • Solid Waste Authority
  • Airport Authority
  • Building Commission
  • Farmland Protection Board

Contact Information:
Patty Neff or Mary O'Dell
Nicholas County Commission, 700 Main Street, Suite 1, Summersville, WV 26651
Phone: (304) 872-7830
Fax: (304) 872-9602
Office Hours (M-F) 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
e-mail: [email protected]