Prescription Discount

Prescription Drug Discount Card Program

The prescription plan savings report for the entire county was adopted in October 2006.

To obtain a free card for you and your family, please stop by the office of the Nicholas County Commission on the first floor of the Courthouse on Main Street in Summersville between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. (304) 872-7830

NACo Prescription Drug Discount Card Program

For prescription plan savings report for the entire county since the plan was adopted in October 2006 please click here.

1. Total Rxs: This is the total number of Rxs that were adjudicated or attempted to adjudicate through the use of the card (the explanation of the next couple of headers will help explain the necessity of this column).

2. Plan Priced Rxs: Caremark tracks all attempts to use the cards including when the pharmacy offers a lower price than the card can give. This is usually when the pharmacy sells a drug at cost or below cost to create foot traffic for the pharmacy or under a special purchase arrangement. This is the amount of Rxs that the card gave the best price vs. the pharmacy.

3. % Plan Priced Rxs: What percentage of the total attempted Rxs adjudicated via best price with the card.

4.Retail Priced Rxs: How many prescriptions where the pharmacy had a lower price.

5. % Retail Priced Rxs: Percentage of Rxs where the pharmacy had a lower price.

6. Total Drug Cost: All prescriptions totaled together at their card discount prices.

7.Average Drug Cost: Average Drug Cost per Rx at the card discounted price.

8. Retail Submitted Price: What the price would have been if the prescriptions weren't filled with the card.

9. Average Retail Submitted Price: Average Per Prescription price if the card wasn't presented at a discount.

10. Price Savings: Total dollar savings for all Rxs filled with the card.

11. Average Price Savings: Average price savings per prescription.

12. % Price Savings: Percentage price savings per prescription.

13. Total Utilizers: This is the total amount of people who represent the total amount of prescriptions i.e. some people fill multiple prescriptions. This gives you an indication of how many residents you are helping.

As always, if you have questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for being a member county, borough or parish and participating in this member program.

Andrew Goldschmidt
Director, Membership/Marketing
NACoNational Association of Countiesur paragraph here.

To obtain a free card for you and your family, please stop by the office of the Nicholas County Commission on the first floor of the Courthouse on Main Street in Summersville between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. (304) 872-7830 (304) 872-7830 (304) 872-7830 Type your paragraph here.