NIXLE Registration (Reverse 911)

Nicholas County Homeland Security Management Services continuously plans and prepares for public emergencies. These emergencies include bioterrorism, health hazards related to natural disasters, and disease outbreaks. The NIXLE 360 will provide information, instructions and guidance to the public In the event of a public health emergency.

Nicholas County has partnered with Nixle 360 to implement its Community Notification System to alert residents in real-time for localized emergency situations and relevant community advisories.

Once registered, residents will receive a confirmation text to their mobile device. Residents may also customize their alert settings by going to and creating a User Profile.

Alerts can be targeted geographically, allowing residents to receive localized, relevant alerts from Nicholas County.

Nixle Alerts can be sent via Text, Email, Voice, Web, Social Media, and the Nixle Mobile App in an instant.

Receive community information instantly!

There are four simple ways to register and later receive emergency messages:

  1. Text your ZIPCODE to 888777 from your mobile phone
  2. Use the Nixle “sign-up” button, located on this page
  3. Sign Up at Public Emergency Notification System Registration today! It's quick, easy and secure
  4. OR fill out the form below.